Gun House de Amman

JordanieGun House


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abu baker، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 463 0996
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.949696, Longitude: 35.925288

commentaires 5

  • Borders Breaker

    Borders Breaker


    Prices are A OK considering the large mount of taxes they apply in jordam... the employee i met had no clue about the accessories.. only place to find legit 5.11 gear... Turkish and Italian shotties for hunting.

  • John K

    John K


    Sells shotguns and other hiring accessories. The shotguns are from Turkey. There is also a lot of Go Pro cameras and accessories. There is other tactical gear/clothes that is from 511 and other military style.

  • فهد الدوسري

    فهد الدوسري


    بنادق صيد فقط عنده اغراض حلوه

  • joshua



    I love its

  • Moh'd nour Shahen

    Moh'd nour Shahen


    فيو اشياءات رهيبة

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