Grand Husseini Mosque de عمّان

JordanieGrand Husseini Mosque


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1, King Talal St, عمّان, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9496853, Longitude: 35.9346428

commentaires 5




    The Grand Mosque of Husseini is considered the first urban project to be built in Amman. The building was built in 1924 and was completed in 1927. Al-Husseini Mosque is located in the center of the capital Amman on the first King Talal Street, which is located in the center of the country. It has a large courtyard and is decorated with beautiful Islamic inscriptions. The Husseini Mosque is built over the ruins of the old Umayy Mosque

  • en

    Wasan Ibrahim


    Amnan Down Town is an amazing tourists attraction

  • Sama Sahab

    Sama Sahab


    It's very nice and peaceful place

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    The area around the al-Husseini Mosque, in the heart of modern downtown Amman, bustles with pedestrians, juice stands and vendors. The original mosque on this site was built by Omar Ibn al-Khatab, the second Caliph of Islam, probably on or next to the site of the cathedral of Byzantine Philadelphia. The then Emir Abdullah (who will later be King Abdullah I bin al-Hussein) rebuilt the mosque in an Ottoman-style in 1924, and named it as such in honor of his father Sharif Hussein bin Ali, the leader of the Great Arab Revolt during WWI. The late King Hussein bin Talal ordered its final restoration in 1987. The al-Husseini Mosque measures 58.5 meters long for 12.5 meters wide with two minarets measuring 70 and 35 meters in height. It features alternate pink and white stones. The al-Husseini Mosque was the first large urban project held in Amman. Only Muslims are allowed to enter.

  • Shahbaz H.

    Shahbaz H.


    Historical mosque worth seeing when in Amman imo. Originally built in Omar R.A's era and then rebuilt in 1921 by the current ruler family.

Mosquée la plus proche

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