Golden Tulip Airport Отель de Amman

JordanieGolden Tulip Airport Отель


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1 Queen Alia International Apt, Amman 39158, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 445 1000
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7198153, Longitude: 35.9657147

commentaires 5

  • suhib alazeeh

    suhib alazeeh


    انصح الجميع به

  • Armand Gaudillier

    Armand Gaudillier


    Je suis un lama

  • T-Men Amsterdam

    T-Men Amsterdam


    Food is not to good. Only bufet. Because it's the only hotel here also expensive for what you get.

  • Andrii Gritsevskyi

    Andrii Gritsevskyi


    It is more 2 1/2 to 3 star hotel, but if you need one night stay very close to airport it is OK. It is free if you flight RJ and has stop over and they will arrange free transit visa and streamlined boarder control plus free shuttle. Rooms and food is so-so and definitely not 4 stars. Location on the map is WRONG but it is really close drive. BTW, WiFi is time limited and did not worked for me. Take it if it is free but for 100+ Euro you can find better deal.

  • Devin Ramdutt

    Devin Ramdutt


    Also called the Amman Airport Hotel, this is what you'd expect from a four star hotel. Great restaurants, nice modern room with satellite TV and free wifi and located right at the airport. Guess you'd expect this if you have to pay $170 per night. Unfortunately this is your only option for an airport hotel so not much competition on price, but still a very good hotel.

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