Glacio Ice Cream Specialities de Amman

JordanieGlacio Ice Cream Specialities



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Taj Mall, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9790 8793
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9406322, Longitude: 35.8883006

commentaires 5

  • Aveesh Kumar

    Aveesh Kumar


    The best place in amman for speciality icecreams - in taj Mall. Market level

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    Omg! The best ice cream I had in ages! It has sent me back to when I was a kid and really appreciated what ice cream was about. I ordered Berlin mix, and I still remember the taste till now! It was honestly really good, but the price was a little high. I will definitely come again to try this marvelous masterpiece. They had different varieties, one with coffee mix, others with chocolate, Waffles, among other options, but I just like fruits more so I went with Berlin (had lots of fruits).

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    Ziad Hammad


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    Firas Salman


    Best Ice cream ever

  • John K

    John K


    Decent service as the gentlemen was disgruntled as I tried 5-7 flavors to pick the best ones. The ice cream was incredible. Great flavors! I would definitely come back!

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