Fitness One Gym de Irbid

JordanieFitness One Gym



🕗 horaire

Irbid, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 2 710 2221
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.5323471, Longitude: 35.854952

commentaires 5

  • Mohammed Jarrah

    Mohammed Jarrah


    It serves its purpose. Some of the treadmill machines are broken. Only has 2 cross machines. Also, compared to other gyms, it has less equipments. However, it serves its purpose. The cleaning lady is grumpy, always complaining. The coaches are friendly, but don't pay high attention to the users. The bathrooms and showers are clean. The sauna and steam room are not always available, only 3 days a week for 2 hours.

  • alaa samman

    alaa samman


    Excellent place for body building comfortable Clean no bad smell and the coaches are very good

  • Nidal Dalgamoni

    Nidal Dalgamoni


    Great gym with excellent services 😉

  • Amin Rasheed

    Amin Rasheed


    They don't maintain the machines so you should be careful.

  • en

    Wayne Rookie


    Pretty small but has enough equipment to suite my needs. Really clean, and the trainers are awesome. Also quite cheap.

Gym la plus proche

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