Firefly Burger de Amman

JordanieFirefly Burger



🕗 horaire

Al Jubeiha, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9504 1122
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0285353, Longitude: 35.8654357

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rana Farah


    The burger is fine. The bread bun is a bit of a let down its on the chewy side. The place is very casual & its inexpensive . Staff were very friendly . The fries portion is very generous however they were overseasoned and over salted.

  • faro shebo

    faro shebo


    اللحم جيد جدا ... الصلصة مميزة .. و البصل و المخلل ... بس الخبز بحاجة انه يكون اطرى مما هو عليه .. لانه مع حجم الساندويش الكبير بتصير الساندويشة بحاجة ل خبز اكثر هشاشة

  • en

    Ziad Abu Haleema


    Fulfilling and lots of dripping, im not sure if they use frozen meat or fresh??? But can't comolain about the taste which is good.

  • en

    Edward Maidment


    Good price, great burgers. The buns are delicious. If you're in the area this is definitely a place to go.

  • omar abuawwad

    omar abuawwad


    Good service and nice staff.. I order an Angus burger and it was hilarious tast... The decorations amazing and unique

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