Edom Hotel Petra de Ma'an Governorate

JordanieEdom Hotel Petra


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contact téléphone: +962 3 215 6995
site web: www.edomhotelpetra.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 30.3257141, Longitude: 35.4704416

commentaires 5

  • Tatjana Puc

    Tatjana Puc


    Locatio is very good and prise too. Food was tasty but small amount . In the hotel were a lot of tourist groups and there were vompetition for food during breakfast time. Dinning hall was clean but room was not.

  • en

    Edmund Chee


    Worst hotel in petra. The bed was old and dusty, the carpet was nasty and they even charge for water.

  • Swapna Nair

    Swapna Nair


    Great staff and good food. Wifi connectivity is not good in the rooms so do not buy it. A cafe near the hotel provides free wifi if you buy coffee! No kettle to make tea or coffee in the rooms. Quaint place.

  • Sara Hruskova

    Sara Hruskova


    The rooms are small, the bathroom was not clean and the restaurant was a disaster. The entrance to Petra is just around the corner though.

  • Momo Su

    Momo Su


    The best is the location since it's a few mins walk from Petra entrance, but the hotel and the room are pretty old, bathtub door is completely stuck, the first night there was a disgusting smell the second we entered the room and luckily the second day it was gone. Barely any water pressure from the shower head. Stuff were friendly. Breakfast was re really really really basic.....

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