
🕗 horaire

Аль Абдали, Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 520 6666
site web: www.boulevard.jo
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9647106, Longitude: 35.90508

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Homam Marwan


    *خدمة لزوار البلد لمدة 8ايام من تاريخ الدخول للبلد *اسعار مناسبة لعدم وجود الضريبة

  • amer fahmawi

    amer fahmawi


    Let someone answer phone calls on Friday at least

  • David Arabiat

    David Arabiat


    Overpriced .. rude staff that don't want to work and make you feel that you are stealing the stuff from there rather than buying .. shame on you !!

  • Pedro Zurita

    Pedro Zurita


    Для тех, кто приезжает в Амман, возможность отовариться в дьюти фри 14 дней с момента въезда в страну. Не больше. Очень выгодно приобретать табак для кальяна.( Для ценителей). Бухло не дешевое, но выгодней чем в городе.

  • Jamal Fares

    Jamal Fares


    Opening a duty free shop inside cities is a great idea that helps visitors buy at a reduced price. Some instructions to note from the jordanian customs: 1. The visitor is required to show his/her passport and an entry stamp not exceeding 14 days from entry, people who are less than 18 years old can't benefit from cigarette and alcoholic products. 2. Purchases amounting to USD $200 which is equivalent to JD 140 are allowed, including: · 1 Cigarette outer. · 6 cans of beer,330 ml/can. · 1 bottle of liquor, maximum of 1 liter. · 2 bottles of perfume. 3. It's strictly prohibited to accept the passports of others without a warrant from an accredited certification authority.

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