Dr. Thamer's Smile Studio-Dental Center Amman-Jordan de Amman

JordanieDr. Thamer's Smile Studio-Dental Center Amman-Jordan



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Al-Madina Al-Mounawra 219 office 208, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 556 3811
site web: www.drthamer.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.993108, Longitude: 35.869401

commentaires 5

  • en

    Freeman Adam


    If there was a no star I would choose that, the staff is horrible they are rude. I will never go back to this place...

  • Mazin Farha

    Mazin Farha


    Dr. Thamer Theeb is Amazing the best Dental Clinic i've ever been to he is knowledgeable and well educated, He has the best hands in this business. Did my whole set of teeth in a two month time frame . Now I have the best smile and I can show my full smile proudly. Thank you Dr. Thamer will recommend all my family and friends to you and thanks to your team support for excellent customer service .

  • en

    Obidah Theeb


    one of the best doctors i work with thanks doc for what u do to my teeth

  • Abdallah Theeb

    Abdallah Theeb


    Great doctor With excellent work

  • manal mem

    manal mem


    Thank you Dr. Thamer you the best doctor Cosmetic dentist in Jordan

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