Cycling Jordan de Amman

JordanieCycling Jordan



🕗 horaire

Al-Maharah Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 8555 2525
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.975027, Longitude: 35.849506

commentaires 5

  • en

    cedric barel


    over priced, unexperienced staff and they tend to recommend larger bike size to everyone which led in some cases to injuries

  • en

    Rohan Langford


    Excellent attention to detail. Competitive prices. Great service.

  • en

    Rasha Nassar


    They were really friendly and professional, super grateful to have known this place existed :)

  • nour breik

    nour breik


    Best place for bike maintenance, rents, cycling trips and buying bikes. Amazing after sale service

  • en

    Kareem Moumani


    This shop has best bike maintenance, prices, and original spare parts. I always put my bike there and I will be sure it is in good hands and they will fix more things than i want since they have a very long experience in bikes, maintenance also spare parts. This shop is my choice for the past three years for all bike related stuff.

Magasin de vélos la plus proche

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ATMAgence d'assuranceAgence de voyageAgence immobiliĂšreAlimentsAllĂ©e de bowlingAmbassadeAnimalerieAquariumAvocatAĂ©roportBanqueBarBibliothĂšqueBijouterieBlanchisserieBoulangerieBoĂźte de nuitBureau de posteBureau du gouvernementCafĂ©CampingCampingCaserne de pompiersCentres commerciauxCimetiĂšreCinĂ©maColloque zoneComptabilitĂ©ConcessionnaireDentisteDocteurEntrepreneur gĂ©nĂ©ralEntreprise de dĂ©mĂ©nagementEspace de rangementFinancerFleuristeGalerie d'artGareGrand magasinGymHĂŽpitalLave-AutoLibrairieLieu de culteLivraison de repasLocalitĂ©Location de filmLocation de voitureLodgingMagasinMagasin d'alcoolMagasin d'Ă©lectroniqueMagasin de chaussuresMagasin de commoditĂ©Magasin de matĂ©rielMagasin de meublesMagasin de vĂ©losMagasin de vĂȘtementsMairieMaison du mondeMaison funĂ©raireMosquĂ©eMusĂ©eNiveau administratif niveau 1Niveau administratif niveau 2Niveau de sublocalitĂ© 1ParcParc d'attractionsParkingPaysPeintrePharmaciePhysiothĂ©rapeutePlombierPoint d'intĂ©rĂȘtPolicePrĂ©misseQuartierRepas Ă  emporterRestaurantRouteRĂ©paration automobileSPASalon de beautĂ©SantĂ©SerrurierSoin des cheveuxSoins vĂ©tĂ©rinairesStadeStation de busStation de taxiStation essenceSupermarchĂ©TribunalUn aspect naturelUniversitĂ©ZooÉcoleÉgliseÉlectricienÉpicerie ou supermarchĂ©