Cvs Pharmacy de Amman

JordanieCvs Pharmacy



🕗 horaire

مرج الحمام, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 571 1143
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.8948069, Longitude: 35.8633507

commentaires 5

  • Sedar Abzakh

    Sedar Abzakh


  • Mara Mojahed Abu Rubieh

    Mara Mojahed Abu Rubieh


    It is great to know that while i am traveling to Amman Jordan from the United States of America i dont have to worry about running out of my medicines. I can just get them temporarily transferred from the states to Amman. Thank you so much for making traveling with medical issues a little bit easier.

  • ar

    Sameer.1234.9999 Abudaiya


    هي صيدليه لابأس فيها وهي تلبي احتياجات المواطنين في تلك المنطقة وانا انصح بها بشدة

  • en



    Welcoming and professional staff, always ready to help and give advice. Well filled shelves. You can pay by cash or by visa. Not 24 hours open. Almost all the medicine is available and with far expiry dates. Happy to have them in the neighborhood 😁

  • senan khatib

    senan khatib


    Very friendly and professional

Magasin la plus proche

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