Consulate of Egypt de Amman

JordanieConsulate of Egypt



🕗 horaire

7, Mohammad Ali Bdair St, 11180, Amman, JO Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 6 592 9807
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.944639, Longitude: 35.900856

commentaires 5

  • ar

    ala haseeba


  • en

    Hani Al-Warnahly


    I was there for document verifications. The public area for performing official work to the public is very well organized despite being overcrowded with people. The service was quick no long wait and the employees there were very quick to do their job to help people.

  • Chris Torres

    Chris Torres


    Really quick & friendly service.

  • Henk Jan Sanders

    Henk Jan Sanders


    They love to make simple things complicated. As long as someone else can be made responsible, no problem. And if they don't know, they just say something to try to make you happy... I tried to get a document legalized. Nobody could and in the end I just let it go. No legalized document for me.

  • es

    Rodolfo Pidtoni


Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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