Coffee'n News de Amman

JordanieCoffee'n News



🕗 horaire

Al-Rainbow Street, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9555 0162
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9505808, Longitude: 35.9233973

commentaires 5

  • Hadi Alshanteer

    Hadi Alshanteer


    الاسعار ممتازة والخدمه ممتازة هدوء ورقي

  • Mohammad Odeh

    Mohammad Odeh


    مكان رائع, يشعرك بدفئ الشتاء , قهوه مميزة جدا, جلسة دافئة ذات اطلالة جميلة على جانب من جبل عمان

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    Erick Rascon


    I miss this place already. Really relaxed place to sit and enjoy peace and quiet.

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    kareem N A


    I came to have a Coffee during the day, I asked the guy behind the cash about the opening and closing hours but he was completely unfriendly and even he didn’t answer my question! Then after I finished my coffee I came back to the cash to pay, so the same guy gave me the bill and I paid him and he didn’t say one single word or even thanks!! Will never comeback to this place.

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    Ali Al Hankak


    Its a really gd Caffè although they need to work on their drinks more

Café la plus proche

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