Climbat Amman de Naour

JordanieClimbat Amman



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687, Al Quds St, Naour, JO Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 6 573 6177
site web:
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Latitude: 31.8823862, Longitude: 35.8434534

commentaires 5

  • Tareq abu slieh

    Tareq abu slieh


    مكان جميل مغامره تستحق المجازفه المدربين كثير روعه كسرو اشي كان اسمه خوف عندي . التساق كان على عدد من الصعوبات علمونا على معضمها وشوي شوي رح نصير محترفين

  • Owice Hammad

    Owice Hammad


    Cozy atmosphere, cool staff, unique in Jordan, nice customers, and well established facilities. They have courses, fun and serious ones. Kids are welcomed. Free yoga sessions from time to time. They are a bit expensive!

  • en

    Saad Noaman


    Very nice climbing place... my kids enjoy it every time we visit... just missing a proper coffee shop for the parents to sit while kids are playing

  • Mumen Rumman

    Mumen Rumman


    Great atmosphere. Great community. The place to make new friends and challenge yourself. The gym is quite big. Lots of routes. And relatively moderate prices since it is the only indoor climbing gym in Jordan. This place is a home to me

  • Saimer Saleh

    Saimer Saleh


    This place is lovely, where you can find most staff friendly. It has great supportive atmosphere. You don't have to be experienced climber to start here. The staff will teach you the basics techniques to enjoy your time while there is more advanced courses help you to be more professional. I absolutely love the place and it's one of the best places to work out while having fun with friends.

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