Central Press de Amman

JordanieCentral Press



🕗 horaire

Madaba Highway, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 477 9180
site web: www.centralpress.jo
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.900201, Longitude: 35.937553

commentaires 5

  • en

    Dana Darwish


    Super high quality work

  • en

    Waleed Mango


    I always use the marketing materials distributed by Central Press and am very fond of the quality of the paper and printing on them; they are also very handy at work. I also experienced first hand using some of the books they print and found that they are very user friendly when it comes to paper quality, color and cover.

  • Ra'ed Jumean

    Ra'ed Jumean


    We Print InteriorPH at Central Press, cannot complain! :)

  • Sophia Hmoud

    Sophia Hmoud


    Great product and excellent customer services !

  • Nouna Saket

    Nouna Saket


    الأفضل في الأردن من خدمة و سرعة و جودة

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