Carrefour de Amman




🕗 horaire

Yajouz Road, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 439 1423
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0289245, Longitude: 35.8672895

commentaires 5

  • ar

    سمر ابورزق


    التسوق فيه جيد لكن ملاحظتي على قصة التبرعات اعتقد انهم بيحرجو بعض الزبائن فيها بسبب طرحها المباشر على الزبون اثناء دفعه الفاتورة اعتقد فكرة الصندوق ووضع بجانبه ملاحظة لمن يحب ويستطيع التبرع افضل من اسلوب المتبع

  • en

    Ziad Abu Haleema


    The worst shopping bags, count your change check the receipt thourogjly whenever you visit Jbaihah or Abunsair branches, not to mention bad service and incompetent employees, vegetables and fruits are old enough for animals

  • majd alomari

    majd alomari


    The worst branch of carrefour here in jordan ...rotten vegetables .... bad employees

  • en

    Sandra Mahjoub


    You can find a wide variety of different products, with good prices.

  • Huda Sammour

    Huda Sammour


    It's a super market that has the daily and most used items. Very useful for daily home shopping.

Supermarché la plus proche

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