Carrefour Supermarket de עמאן

JordanieCarrefour Supermarket



🕗 horaire

עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 505 1732
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.8909485, Longitude: 35.844653

commentaires 5

  • en

    Morad Samara


    Good to visit as they have most of the basics

  • en

    Tamer Alsabbagh


    Best place to buy things and the cheapest one 😁😁😁

  • Bader Helal

    Bader Helal


    I love Carrefour because it is so convenient a day has most of the things I need. They open early and and shut late (they might be a 24 hours store but I'm not sure). They have most of my groceries I need and I rarely need to get things from other shops. Their fruits and vegetables section has good range and the quality is OK for most of things, but it can be more fresh as you can find around the store.

  • Hussien Abu Farash

    Hussien Abu Farash


    A nice place for shopping

  • en

    Mamoon Almanaseer


    Fantastic place One of the most organized carrefour express store Almost All items you can find it there

Supermarché la plus proche

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