Cambridge High School de Amman

JordanieCambridge High School


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11, Abd Al Karim Al Dabbas St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 552 5179
site web:
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Latitude: 31.9814546, Longitude: 35.8791385

commentaires 5

  • Adnan Jarrah

    Adnan Jarrah


    Its great and I have been in it since kg and its really good

  • en

    Dog lover


    miss Diana is really tough with children in it really bad teachers dont recommend you to put your kids in it they love love love the money everything is expensive there if i can give it 0 star i would do that

  • en

    alba aiisi


    The worst in school in jordan, BARELY any ib courses and horrible horrible staff. Don't recommend putting your children in this school what so ever.

  • Amer Quba

    Amer Quba


    A reputable accadimic institution that provides high standards of international learning

  • Mohammad Al-Tarshihi

    Mohammad Al-Tarshihi


    Dealing with children is an art, the art of education and the end they are our children...threatening a child to kick him out of the school if he keeps crying is not a professional way in the art of education. I really advise the whole personel working at the adminstration to read these two books: the first one is : the crowd: a study of the popular mind for Gustave le Bon and the second one (in arabic): سيكولوجية الانسان المقهور:مدخل الى التخلف الاجتماعي للدكتور مصطفى حجازي من لبنان. I really hope our schools will move to the next level, to the level of creating individuals, cause every baby was born as an individual till we {as a family or a school) interfere in a way that push him to be part of the crowd. I hope you the best

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