Cairo Amman Bank de Amman

JordanieCairo Amman Bank



🕗 horaire

13, Mohammad Al Amin Al Momani St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 552 2850
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.977161, Longitude: 35.862819

commentaires 5

  • محمد العيسى

    محمد العيسى


  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    It’s a normal bank branch, usually go there for the ATM nothing more. It’s not crowded so that’s good. But it’s always filled with trash from the ATM machine. I hope they do something about that because it’s really a disturbing thing to see.

  • en

    Ali Ismail


    Absolutely horrible bank! when I went in to open up a new account to deposit money, the staff were less than friendly to say the least, and have asked for incredible demands just to open an account and give them my money! including my house ownership deed and employment proof! At first I couldn't believe they were serious and talked to the manager who was even worst than the staff in terms of rudeness. Luckily over the years I have tried many banking establishments in Jordan whom from my experience are all better than Cairo Amman Bank. Also, Cairo Amman Bank complaints phone number never answered, It's so ironic that this bank spends huge amounts of money on advertising but when people want to open up accounts they do everything to push them away.

  • zaid shawahin

    zaid shawahin


    Good service, no long wait, 24 hour ATM as well

  • fa

    Shireen Awad



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