בית עברה de מחוז בלקא

Jordanieבית עברה



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contact téléphone: +962 5 359 0360
site web: www.baptismsite.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.8374644, Longitude: 35.5495859

commentaires 5

  • en

    Amber Montgomery


    I really enjoyed my experience at the Baptism Site. I'm an expat living in Jordan and when my Mom came to visit, we went to the Baptism Site together and it was a wonderful experience for us to share. Once you get to the visitor's center, you pay 12 JD (regardless of whether your a resident or not but if you get the Jordan Pass and do the Baptismal Site add on, it's only 8 JDs) and wait for the next bus to leave, usually every 30 min on half hour. The bus and guide and all is included in the admitance price. Once you're on the bus, it's a 10 minute drive closer to the actual site, with a small stop on the way. Once you exit the bus, it's a 15 minute shaded walk to the actual baptism site and then about 5 minutes farther to the Jordan River proper. The guide stops along the way to explain what you're looking at and relate what you're seeing to the biblical stories. It was amazing to see the spot of the baptism and also to see the actual Jordan River (and you could see the other people on the Israeli/Palestinian side baptizing themselves in the water only about 10 yards away!). The only negative thing I have to say is that for the other native English speakers, they said they had a hard time understanding the guide as he had a pretty thick accent in English. It wasn't hard for me to understand because I'm used to the accent here but for others, you have to listen quite closely. We went early on a weekend morning, which I would recommend. By the time we were leaving, it seemed like it was getting much more crowded. All in all the whole thing takes about an hour once you get on the bus from the visitor's center. One of the more expensive tourist attractions in Jordan but worth it in my opinion.

  • Subhashish Chattopadhyay

    Subhashish Chattopadhyay


    Jordan river was previously flowing in a slightly different route. Baptism site of Jesus, where John had Baptized him, has more than 4 evidences. There are 5 churches at that place. Very interesting place.

  • Alain Haddad

    Alain Haddad


    A must see place in Jordan you can have a not so short walk there and enjoy the stories told by the guide. See some churches and the places where Jesus have passed and especially where he was baptized. Just be careful to come a bit early because the place closes more early that usual and the tour by itself take between 1 and 2 hours.

  • iw

    אמיתי בן הרוש


    אתם בטוחים שכאן ישו טבע במים?

  • Myrna Sánchez

    Myrna Sánchez


    Un lugar mágico y espiritual!!! Te sientes bendecido al llegar al punto en dónde se bautizó Jesús Las instalaciones son muy básicas! pero eso le da un toque mucho más mágico!! Es recomendable llevar abajo de la ropa un traje de baño!! Se puede uno bautizar ahí!! Lleva dinero en efectivo de la moneda local!!!!

Église la plus proche

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