Burger Code de עמאן

JordanieBurger Code



🕗 horaire

עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 586 8122
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.974395, Longitude: 35.8473828

commentaires 5

  • Leann Qadan

    Leann Qadan


    Best burger restaurant in Jordan! Exceptional!! 😄

  • Mohamad Khader

    Mohamad Khader


    Delicious food and really good quality ingredients.

  • en

    Mona Nimri


    Yummiiii food... Small place.. Good staff..expensive ...

  • Yasser Abd El-Salam Jr.

    Yasser Abd El-Salam Jr.


    Goos taste but high price

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    Great taste, and great service as well. They made an offer for RCO group members (meal for the price of sandwich. I got 6 meals that day for me and friends and they were so nice, they even helped me carry all the food to the car. The sauce was really nice as well.

Restaurant la plus proche

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