Booking Jordan Tours de Амман

JordanieBooking Jordan Tours



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Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 554 3600
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9774252, Longitude: 35.8653611

commentaires 3

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    salmon356 Sa


    booking Jordan were reccomnded so I thought to try them out for myself. I felt like they catered for our every need and responded to all my questions in a very timely manner.. With a lot of professionalism and patience! They delivered exactly as promised and their rate were very competitive. We were extremely lucky to have Read as our driver, he was very professional and patient and knowledgeable. We had a holiday never to forget.. Thank you booking Jordon tours

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    AL Mo


    How nice it is to travel worrying nothing, with these team of wonderful people, traveling hassle free and at luxe is possible.

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    John Lem


    Very helpful I recommend for everyone

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