Boho Haus de Amman

JordanieBoho Haus



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Mohammad al amin al momani st. Behind Cairo Amman bank, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 7552 3444
site web:
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Latitude: 31.9764723, Longitude: 35.8629306

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rawan Hajjar


    The place is colourful and nice, the food (breakfast) was very delicious especially cheese pastry (manakeesh), but it is over priced!

  • en

    Hameed Farah


    Nice atmosphere with a half decent service and expensive prices

  • Rozanne Farah

    Rozanne Farah


    The food is delicious and amazing, the decor is very lovely and pretty, yet its very expensive and the service upon entry is rude, as they don't let you sit on the ground or even enter without reservation

  • Sharón Benheim

    Sharón Benheim


    Colourful spot with lots of cozy seating. A lovely selection of foods. Southwestern USA decor, including a dreamcatcher logo.

  • Mumen Rumman

    Mumen Rumman


    Personally speaking, I love the kitchen and food. Their kitchen is great and everything I ordered I didn't regret. Not expensive. The seats and sitting is very cool. Outside is very relaxing and inviting. Sadly though it's always a full house and could get too loud. Sometimes though it is very quiet and relaxing, specially brunch time.

Restaurant la plus proche

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