Bekdash Ice Cream de Amman

JordanieBekdash Ice Cream


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Al-Madina Al-Monawara Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9555 7371
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9972035, Longitude: 35.8720934

commentaires 5

  • Hanadi Al-Quraan

    Hanadi Al-Quraan


    Great place for ice cream especially if you're looking for Syrian style ice cream.

  • en

    Mrandre Bro


    Why did this shop open in the Jordan? The worst ice cream I have ever tasted, it tastes like milk powder ,I hope this shop close soon. 😠😠😈

  • nabih2588



    The worst icecream ever . It has nothing to do wigh the original place in syria . You can seriously taste the powder milk in frozen form . Thats all to it . I feel i have been ripped off . I wish your store closes for ever .

  • ar

    faig halwai


    البوظة العربية الشهيرة.. هذا أحد فروع عمان.. والأصل كان في دمشق سوق الحميدية

  • Alessandra Gola

    Alessandra Gola


    Although Syrian ice-cream is not my favourite, THIS is really good. Although the shop offers several options, their specialty is the vanilla ice-cream coated with whole pistaches and natural honey. Amazing!

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