Backyard Mall de Amman

JordanieBackyard Mall



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Husban & Um al Basateen, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9997 2000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7787906, Longitude: 35.8008139

commentaires 5

  • Akram Nofal

    Akram Nofal


    Nice place ..all are students from JGU

  • Nageeb Twal

    Nageeb Twal


    Doesnt have anything interesting

  • Heba Mahfouz

    Heba Mahfouz


    It’s not a shopping center nor a mall, it’s more like a food court with a very small supermarket and a library for students. The restaurants are good quality but expensive, only one restaurant called ‘Snack & Shrack’ that has good prices.

  • Mohamad Qudah

    Mohamad Qudah


    provides the students and local people with food and places to hang out in such as buzz cafe, mond cafe, #saj, snack and ajeen, and a gaming center and many others very useful also you can get your car washed there but not that much of quality..

  • Wesam Alissa

    Wesam Alissa


    A small shopping center currently with multiple restaurants and coffee shops open. Parking is available and location is good. Since it is opposite to a university, expect it to be busy during day time.

Centres commerciaux la plus proche

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