Ayar de Madaba




🕗 horaire

25, Omar Ben Al-Khattab Street, Madaba, Madaba Qasabah District, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 5 324 4410
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7253231, Longitude: 35.7950536

commentaires 5

  • de

    klaus schiffmann


    Super Speiselokalität, wirklich alles Top Ambiente, Speisen und nette Bedienung zu absolut fairen Preisen. Klaus&Susanne

  • Steve P

    Steve P


    Loved it. Friendly staff. Reasonably proced. The side of lemon and garlic mushrooms with shishkabab was excellent.

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    Grant Sutherland


    Went here in Feb 2017. Was a surprisingly good final meal in Jordan. Happened upon it while looking for an early dinner before an early flight the next morning. The food was amazing, but the service wasn't great. The use of "outdoor" heat torches inside is also a bit offputting, but seems fairly common in the city.

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    Fadi Hamameh


    A good cozy family restaurant. Live entertainment is fantastic. Enough people to make the place lively but not too crowded. Easy to find parking outside the restaurant. I recommend it evenings and night time.

  • Kyle Grochmal

    Kyle Grochmal


    Great local restaurant with a great selection of food and liquor. They carry Karak Ale, a Jordan craft beer. They have a great selection of food, including hummus with meat, farmers' salad and tabbouleh. Employees speak English well

Restaurant la plus proche

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