Ashley Furniture Homestore - Showroom de Amman

JordanieAshley Furniture Homestore - Showroom



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271, Al-Madina Al-Monawara Street, Amman, JO Jordanien
contact téléphone: +962 6 567 1469
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9988248, Longitude: 35.8728565

commentaires 5

  • Fadi Abu Shamat

    Fadi Abu Shamat


    One of the best furniture places in town. Although it can get overwhelming with 6 floors but the salesman made it a breeze. He was smart enough to take us talk to us and understand what we wanted and then we started from the top floor and made a smooth return to the ground floor. He gave us space and at the same time was always there ready to answer our questions. He wasn't forcing any option on us which made our choices easier and more assuring to us. Overall I found this place really high for value and money and the quality of the furniture is amazing and well built. Highly recommend

  • en

    Mueen Issa


    Just bought some really nice furniture for really great price. Nice employee and great service. Thank you, Ashley.

  • ar



    رائع جدا قطع تقيلة واسعارو غالية ولكن القطع تستحق فعلا جميل جدا

  • ar

    ala oudeh


    تشكيلة الكنب لديهم جيدة ولكنها قليلة. اعجبنا طقم كنب ولكنه كان آخر طقم فحاولوا اغراءنا بشرائه بطريقة غريبة . اشترطوا أن نشتريه في نفس اليوم للحصول على خصم إضافي. او شرائه بعد ذلك بدون خصم وهذا ما لم يعجبنا.

  • en

    Muhannad Ahmad


    sofa did not last for 1 year cost over 2k and was made in china usa support ignored us jordan support only helped after we fight with them . quality not like you expect for the price you pay avoid if you have another better brand alternative :(

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