Art River Handicraft Center de Madaba Governorate

JordanieArt River Handicraft Center



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Madaba Governorate, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9534 2255
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7670704, Longitude: 35.742426

commentaires 5

  • Sunik MT

    Sunik MT



  • Keith Conrad

    Keith Conrad


    Beautiful mosaics, pricey but goes to support handicapped artists. Tax free and free shipping through donors

  • charles abeyawardena

    charles abeyawardena


    Visited the handicraft store. Was very impressed with the artwork. Unfortunately, all pieces are very expensive...along with the exchange rate ...a little too costly. If you like art then this is a good place to find some fantastic pieces.

  • Raed Haddad

    Raed Haddad


    They have a wonderful workshop and very good - excellent quality gifts that you can by as a souvenir from Jordan, prices are very reasonable.

  • YP L

    YP L


    大型手工藝商店 有著大量的約旦商品 但有些東西比路邊攤貴很多

Centres commerciaux la plus proche

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