Apostles Church كنيسة الرسل de Мадаба

JordanieApostles Church كنيسة الرسل


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Мадаба, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7117676, Longitude: 35.7948776

commentaires 5

  • Wegocab Tour Services in Jordan

    Wegocab Tour Services in Jordan


    This church contains a remarkable mosaic dedicated to the Twelve Apostles. The embroidery-like mosaic was created in AD 568 and is one of the few instances where the name of the craftsman (Salomios) is included.   At the southern entrance to Madaba, near the King’s Highway, is the Church of the Apostles. The ruins of this Byzantine church date to 578 CE, and are currently being restored. One of Madaba’s most beautiful mosaics adorns the floor of this church. The mosaic is known as "Personification of the Sea" and it vividly depicts a woman emerging from the sea, surrounded by mythical aquatic creatures and a hodgepodge of rams, bulls, parrots and exotic vegetation. The mosaic was signed by a mosaicist named Salamanios

  • Cristian Popescu

    Cristian Popescu


    Mozaicuri fabuloase. Cum erau bisericile la scurt timp dupa Iisus.

  • ジョシュアブルックス




  • Wesam Alissa

    Wesam Alissa


    Unfortunately this church is one of the oldest in Jordan and worldwide, however it is not maintained and monitored properly. Don't expect a lot when you visit. This place has been the same for more than 20 years, no attention and no development.

  • Sascha Kunz

    Sascha Kunz


    Beautiful mosaics especially when the guides / responsibles in there spray water on. There is a big difference regarding the colors. It won't take too long to see it because it's just one big hall / room.

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