American Factory Outlet de Амман

JordanieAmerican Factory Outlet



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Суайл, Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 533 2829
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0243078, Longitude: 35.8536217

commentaires 5

  • Feras Karmi

    Feras Karmi


    Good store and suitable prices, you can find some chances of clothes and shoes and others with good prices

  • en

    Abdallah w Shraydah


    The prices too high in comparison with clothes quality. It is a good brands but it's some kind of threadbare

  • Maher Karawaez

    Maher Karawaez


    The prices a bit high and had used product Aldo need more variety

  • Husam Alyasin

    Husam Alyasin


    Very good clearance at 4th floor, especially women's wear. Prices are much less than tag price for upscale brands.

  • Faris Ammari

    Faris Ammari


    Very nice place with a variety of high quality items. Friendly staff. Love it.

Magasin la plus proche

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