allfromjordan de Amman




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39 Dhahran Street, Umm Uthaina, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9096 1776
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9656748, Longitude: 35.866084

commentaires 5

  • emma sheehy

    emma sheehy


    Amazing products and friendly service! Great communication. Fast, reliable, international shipping.

  • en

    Rolando De Peña


    We ordered a couple of Jordan Mosaics Artwork through Allfromjordan and have just received two very nice pieces of Jordan Art and so do a very good service and customer attention from Sales Team of Allfromjordan,. Specially we want to thanks Zaid Masannat for his kindness, which have let to my wife and myself to have a Jordan corner at our home at Dominican Republic. We wanted to have an special memory from your country after our touristic visit to Jordan some years ago. The Artworks Pieces have let us to feel Jordan closer and we are very grateful. to AllfromJordan to have facilitated it Muy agradecidos. Rolando and Rosa

  • sv

    Ahmad Ibrahim


  • en

    Zaid Masannat


  • allfromjordan



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