Alia Restaurants مطعم عالية de Amman

JordanieAlia Restaurants مطعم عالية



🕗 horaire

35, Al Shaheed St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 515 8231
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9875434, Longitude: 35.9019919

commentaires 5

  • abdullah quran

    abdullah quran


    Tasty and good services

  • Muhammad Zamannoun

    Muhammad Zamannoun


    Not all food here is delicious, Try the wrapped shawarma instead of the shawarma meals., cause there are better restaurants that serve meals in amman. Also try the roasted chicken meal, it's served with fries and pickles. Simply, this restaurant is famous for its wrapped meat shawarma, bareque and kabab meals. Reasonable price, Abdoon & Khilda's branches have better place to eat with your family.

  • Rajai Almubaslat

    Rajai Almubaslat


    Good Shawerma and Grilled meats, reasonable prices, location is convenient but no atmosphere

  • en

    Rafiq Otaibi


    It is just ok, i thought as the owner of it is the godfather of meat in jordan it will be better.

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    Lama Nakhleh


    The food is really good. They have really good shawerma and really good falafel & hummus. Their branch on Alshaheed street is not as inviting or aesthetically pleasing as their other branches but the food is just as good.

Restaurant la plus proche

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