Alahlia Plaza Super Stores الاهلية بلازا سوبر ستورز de Amman

JordanieAlahlia Plaza Super Stores الاهلية بلازا سوبر ستورز



🕗 horaire

Ma'ruf Ar Rusafi, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 568 8471
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9620669, Longitude: 35.8978678

commentaires 5

  • Hady Kayed

    Hady Kayed


    Great supermarket. Feels like home.

  • Roland Hodson

    Roland Hodson


    Good selection of "Red Mill" organic wholegrains and has yams. Not as crowded as some supermarkets.

  • en

    g j


    The store has been deteriorating for some years now. Many items are lacking. Others are not fresh or are close to expiry. Difficulty if finding good fresh grocery or diary products. I am planning to go elsewhere.

  • Bader Letoum

    Bader Letoum


    I adore this's cozy and elegant supermarket..a bit high prices..Great service

  • Mohamed Ibrahim

    Mohamed Ibrahim


    Bakkery is the best, it is better than alot of supermarkets in the area. Other stuff prices are a bit high but overall very good place.

Supermarché la plus proche

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