Al Waleed Hotel de Amman

JordanieAl Waleed Hotel


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Sweifieh, Natouh Street, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 586 2464
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.95787, Longitude: 35.86166

commentaires 5

  • id

    Richard Tjiptono


    Standar saja

  • Hungry Teddy

    Hungry Teddy


    Room was okay. Food was bad. Go out and have breakfast and dinner elsewhere !

  • Paul Grimes

    Paul Grimes


    A mixed experience, the desk staff where very friendly and very helpfully and the food in the restaurant was great and at a good price. The infrastructure of the hotel however was not so great, the door key cards kept locking us out and needed to be replaced three times in one day. The vent in our bathroom door was missing leaving a large hole in it and the bathroom itself had some exposed wiring (not live however). The breakfast buffet staff, unlike the desk staff, where not great. One day would be the fine at breakfast, the next the tables would be piled up with dirty plates and simple requests like 'can I have some clean cutlery' basically ignored. A mixed experience.

  • Joseph



    A great hotel with good sized rooms and decent staff. I would have rated 5-stars if water came free with the meals but unfortunately it doesn't. Otherwise all is good. We had a problem with our sink in the room, but it was fixed almost immediately. Great location between Downtown and places further out, also right next door to the Galleria Mall and Carrefour for any shopping needs. I'd recommend for short stays for sure, though I'm not sure if there is a lot of parking.

  • en

    hgf jiu


    Very bad service and very expensive

Lodging la plus proche

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