Al Tazaj Restaurant de عمّان

JordanieAl Tazaj Restaurant



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45, Wasfi Al Tal St, عمّان, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 554 0055
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9839017, Longitude: 35.8865669

commentaires 5

  • en

    Dr. Ahmad AlAli


    Worst services, very bad attitudes by managers! Food is less than ordinary.. Cleanliness is an important issue, minimum level only! Long waiting times for the most basic products.. Price is too much for such services.. Summary: eat somewhere else!

  • Mohammed Kilany

    Mohammed Kilany


    If you like Kabseh rice, they have one of the best in town... Good for a quick family bite, (family meal options are of reasonable value)... However if you are alone, you will get better deals in the Yemini restuarents in Amman.

  • Ayat Ahmad

    Ayat Ahmad


    tasty food and good price , nice play area for kids

  • en

    Dr. Ammar Jordan


    Nice restaurant for family with kids Nice food nice place Biggest restaurant But waiting for meal is a big deal

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    Khaled AlHouli


    Tasty food. The same great taste and same chicken quality that Faqeeh has. However, the service speed is too slow that not matching fast food restaurant. Service level is also low Some of the items are not available The restaurant is empty most of the time I would recommend it for home delivery only.

Restaurant la plus proche

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