Al Salam market اسواق السلام de Amman

JordanieAl Salam market اسواق السلام



🕗 horaire

Tla al-Ali, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9968 5123
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9691742, Longitude: 35.8333143

commentaires 5

  • mema's kitchen

    mema's kitchen


    ما حبيت الملحمه يلي هناك غير هيك التبضغ مريح بس ما لقيت كم غرض بدي ياهم

  • Qussai Obeidat

    Qussai Obeidat


    Best prices, bit crowded but understood

  • Moe Madi

    Moe Madi


    It's government military staff mall but civilians can shop here as well Not too shabby but very convenient especially cosmetics and body care merchandise

  • Hussein Z.

    Hussein Z.


    Although prices are competitive, do not expect to find all varieties or brands. Also it would be better if the shopping area is improved to improve shopping experience. Dull lighting, narrow isles, and the overall scent is unpleasant. But the nuts shop has great nuts, and the fruit and vegetables shop also has good varieties and ripe items.

  • Sean Triton

    Sean Triton


    The truth is that this place nowadays is the worse; all other malls have offers better than this one.

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