Al Rasheed Pharmacy Trust Pharma de Amman

JordanieAl Rasheed Pharmacy Trust Pharma



🕗 horaire

62, Um Umarah St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 515 3098
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0010795, Longitude: 35.8862829

commentaires 5

  • Zaid Abbas

    Zaid Abbas


    One of the best pharmacies in Amman.

  • Hani Mustafa

    Hani Mustafa


    Nice neighbourhood pharmacy with a beautiful and helpful staff of pharmacists. Medications are available always, if not they can get it very quickly most times.

  • atheer J

    atheer J


    The pharmacist in the evening is knowledgeable, and they have most of the medicines

  • Nabeel Ashour 0799315934

    Nabeel Ashour 0799315934


    Most of medical drugs available all the time and alot of alternatives. Doctor help available if needed.

  • Wesam Alissa

    Wesam Alissa


    Whether you are here to buy medication or other related products or even a medical advice, this place is trustworthy and will provide you with a great service. The are part of most of medical insurance networks and they have credit card payment option

Pharmacie la plus proche

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