Al Quds Falafel i Amman

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JordanAl Quds Falafel



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Al-Rainbow Street, Amman, JO Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 6 465 2243
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9495107, Longitude: 35.9265204

kommentar 5

  • yacoub nasrallah

    yacoub nasrallah


    In the late 1970s used to walk from school home and sometimes eat there ,this place taste is unique to all other falafel joints in amman because they only add tahini sauce to the falafel ....and the sesame subs ( hamam) were unique at that time ... So its the best falafel sandwich places in amman ,would i drive there no because all other places are close in taste but this is the best.... Ah also he had slush machine at that time and for a poor boy a slushie with falafel was cloud 9

  • Ody



    Excellent falafel ! Pas trop gras, pas trop piquants, la sauce est délicieuse. Vraiment à essayer.

  • en



    Delicious falafel sandwiches for a really good price. Quick and friendly service. Definitely a place to eat while in Amman.

  • Boaz Papendick

    Boaz Papendick


    Enjoyed eating at this simple hole in the wall restaurant. My parents ate there in the early 70 and I ate there in 2016, same food and same great taste :) The staff are friendly and the service is fast. There are some local park benches to eat on as the shop has no place to sit.

  • ar

    Khaled Bilbeisi


    Highly recommended for falafel sandwiches I visited this place for 25 years It has the same perfect taste Well trained friendly welcoming staff Very clean Prices are very good Street parking is not available most of the time But there is a public parking around one hundred meters away افضل ساندويشات فلافل في الاردن اعرف هذا المكان لاكثر من خمسة وعشرون عاما ولا يزال المذاق والخدمة الممتازة كما هي موظفين مدربين المظافة ممتازة الاسعار جيدة جدا المواقف في الشارع العام ليست متوفرة دائما ولكن هناك مواقف سيارات عامة على بعد مئة متر تقريبا

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