Al Mukhtar Mall de Amman

JordanieAl Mukhtar Mall



🕗 horaire

Queen Rania Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 515 0000
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9877264, Longitude: 35.8963442

commentaires 5

  • Mazen Ismail

    Mazen Ismail


    I went there on a Wednesday night, the sales people were either lazy it burnt out, i asked for hello multiple times until someone showed up! Anyway i bought an electric oven, went home and found it broken. The customer service replaced it but i had to go and get new one The whole experience is bad.

  • Abood Mahmood

    Abood Mahmood


    Good play area for childrens Poor food menu Carrefour hayber market inside Bad parkings Close to madina sport city Good for shopping little needs and cheap things Powling whole inside Not good for wheelchair




    It's not such a good place but it's fine, for me I am going there to play boiling .

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    It’s a low-cost low-quality products kind of Mall. It’s good for home appliances, kitchen tools, grocery shopping. But I wouldn’t go there to buy clothes. You would also find electronics and mobile phones. It’s just an average shopping place nothing special.

  • Maysaa Abbadi

    Maysaa Abbadi


    They have shops for home supplies, clothes, brands, gifts, perfumes, ATM machine, and many other but, if you're looking for a high class gifts like a special wrapped chocolate then it should not be the first place to go.

Centres commerciaux la plus proche

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