Al Etihad School de Amman

JordanieAl Etihad School



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طبربور, محافظة العاصمة,، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 565 8000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9913819, Longitude: 35.9065786

commentaires 5

  • Speedy Cord

    Speedy Cord


    Great Education, Clean School, Good Teachers, everything you need from a good achool is available and even more.

  • Abdallah Alkodah

    Abdallah Alkodah


    مدرسة زبالة، مادية جدا، لا تعليم ولا اشي ،مدرسة الحكومة لسا أفضل، خاصة التوجيهي بعد تجربة أخي في المدرسة If there is ZERO star I would give it! , It's just very bad school just they want from the students and their parents to pay a lot of money , And unfortunately they don't teach smart ,Very bad skills,Very bad teachers and they love the money not the learning

  • SUPA Bros

    SUPA Bros


    I love My class My class is called kindergarten

  • Suhaib Obeidat

    Suhaib Obeidat


    مدارس الاتحاد، من اقدم واعرق المدارس في الاردن... لكنها تراجعت في السنوات الأخيرة، واصبحت مادية بحته تفتقر للامنهجية والتربية السليمة.

  • Naji Al-Basara

    Naji Al-Basara


    Solid and strong system... Perfect management.. Excellent in communication.. So many things good about these schools

Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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