Аль Джубейха Амуземент Сити de Amman

JordanieАль Джубейха Амуземент Сити



🕗 horaire

Nusseir,، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 7807 7620
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0465668, Longitude: 35.8735644

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ziad Abu Haleema


    Please note that due to mismanagement and safety issues the place has been removed and being under renovation to be replaced as a public park.

  • warwolf



    This place is closed right now for safety reasons As much people have already said saftey is an issue two people already died After the second death the amuusemnt park was closed by the government

  • Mohammad Yabroudy

    Mohammad Yabroudy


    It was one of firsr amusement parks in Jordan, but it has closed down permanently due to the deteriorated state of its rides and structures.

  • en

    adel qaddoumi


    It's just the people , they don't take a good care of this area !

  • Loay Odah

    Loay Odah


    مدينه جميله جدا للترفيه واكثر من رائعه ويجب زيارتها هناك بعض الالعاب لم تراها والجميل انها تتجدد الالعاب كل فتره وهذا شيء مثير وجلب الزوار اليها

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