Ajloun Forest Reserve Visitor Center de Ajloun Governorate

JordanieAjloun Forest Reserve Visitor Center


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Ajloun Governorate, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9906 2210
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.3803366, Longitude: 35.7637157

commentaires 5

  • ar

    amal Akelah


    يشجع على الاستفاده من خيرات الطبيعه

  • Mohammed Omar

    Mohammed Omar


    Food is ok.... Could be better

  • Jason Fowler

    Jason Fowler


    Stayed overnight on a group tour in the huts. The huts are cozy and clean. Only negative thing was the water pressure. The food served here was quite good and plentiful.

  • desert Magic

    desert Magic


    مكان جدا جميل و رائع ... من ناحية المنامه و الاكل ممتاز و بخصوص المكان فهو هاديء و يحتوي على مسارات للمشي جدا رائعه تشعرك بالمغامره ينصح بزيارته في وقت الربيع او بالصف ما انصح بالشتويه بررررررد

  • Sawsan Af

    Sawsan Af


    Friendly staff, breath-taking views, the huts are clean and comfortable. A wonderful place to enjoy some time away from the buzz of the city with the kids. The walking trails are really beautiful especially 1 hour before sunset

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