Adonis Restaurant مطعم ادونيس de Madaba

JordanieAdonis Restaurant مطعم ادونيس



🕗 horaire

Princess Haya Street, Madaba, Madaba Qasabah District, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 5 325 1771
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7142393, Longitude: 35.793573

commentaires 5

  • Wen Shan Chewng

    Wen Shan Chewng


    Beautiful restaurant and a good respite from the heat. Prices are great for what you get. Serves some typical local food and a good selection of sandwiches. Lovely staff.

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    Jad Medical


    Good Place, nice staff food is good price is moderate

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    Bingjiefu He


    Chill restaurant, excellent shisha, friendly owner.

  • Marwan Shwaihat

    Marwan Shwaihat


    This cozy restaurant is located in the heart of Madaba, tasty assortment of appetizers and delicious food.

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    omran altwal


    Excellent food , service, staff and atmosphere

Restaurant la plus proche

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