ACE Hardware Store de Amman

JordanieACE Hardware Store



🕗 horaire

Umm As Summaq, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 2224
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9787873, Longitude: 35.8439858

commentaires 5

  • Dima Azazi

    Dima Azazi


    The reason why i rated it 3 is their horrible customer service . I had to wait 20 minutes til i could find someone to help .

  • Mohammad S. Abu Khalil

    Mohammad S. Abu Khalil


    Great one stop shop

  • Ismail Alsalem

    Ismail Alsalem


    No theme for whatsoever, a bit of everything, actually I thought of writing something good atleast for the cars corner, was taking pictures to review the place and the security guy told me not to take pictures, whatever!

  • en

    Khaled AlHouli


    It is not the biggest hardware store but they do have enough verities of great items. You would find many good and useful tools over here. They are expensive for sure but it comes with quality. You can call it one tool shop. It is located in Macca Mall.

  • Adel Eid

    Adel Eid


    I don't recommend anyone to buy from this store for two reasons, over expensive, and limited stock. I suggest Bashiti over this.

Magasin de matériel la plus proche

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