Abdul Hamid Sharaf School de Amman

JordanieAbdul Hamid Sharaf School


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Hasan Al Faqir Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 592 4188
site web: ahss.edu.jo
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9444013, Longitude: 35.8714771

commentaires 5

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    Joud Ibrahem


    its the worst school ever

  • it

    Osamah Saleh


    The worst ever welcoming in all school starting with the security and ending with the Administration other than they think they are the best

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    Anas Ibrahem


    It's the worst school ever I don't advice anyone to enter. They think they are the best and most of their students failed their exams




    Their service is really bad I came first with my son to regist for the school they told us to come back after a week and when we came they disrespected us and told there is no seats left

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    Japhia Col


    Crappy school; they state they use an American curriculum, but never learned anything. It's just a facade....

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