Abd Al Hadi Eye Hospital de Amman

JordanieAbd Al Hadi Eye Hospital


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

31, Abu Firas Al Hamadani St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 462 7628
site web: www.ahhospital.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9522317, Longitude: 35.9032502

commentaires 5

  • Jomana Baddad

    Jomana Baddad


    Amazing and very caring crew. Doctors and nurses. The rooms and common spaces are super clean and fully equipped. I had a really great stay there.

  • ar

    Amni Amro


    ما صارت ان دكتور يكتب تقرير عن العمليه وهو ما بعرف شي عنها ولا عن تارخ المريضة . لا والتقرير مختصر بكلمه وحده بس. !!!!!!!!!!

  • Omar Ghuzlan

    Omar Ghuzlan


    I spent a night there to make a surgery, I can easily rate this place as a five star hospital, the facility itself is fascinating and hygienic, the doctors and the nurses are very friendly, cooperative and caring, they respond very quickly, and your request is a priority for them, you really can't find such service quality anywhere these days but not at this place, it was extremely pleasant experience. Love it 👍

  • en

    Muna Saleh


    Worst life experience ever. just wasting your money and time to get a bad care from the time you enter till you see the doctor . I would not recommend this hospital to any one. guess what... you will be seen by the owner's son , who is not a specialized doctor. BAD BAD BAD

  • brigitte nicole iauer

    brigitte nicole iauer


    Excellent boutique like hospital. Very organized and hygienic. Was especially impressed with the staff and nurses. I have been to other private hospitals in the area where the emergency "Doctors" and nurses are mediocre at best and would rob you blind for a lousy buck. A reminder for them and other Doctors who took the Hippocratic oath "First do no harm" So, this hospital is truly a little gem!

Hôpital la plus proche

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