The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 5 de Amman

JordanieThe Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 5



🕗 horaire

Massoud Ben Saed Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9811 7005
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9479374, Longitude: 35.8548297

commentaires 5

  • Hendrin Jaff

    Hendrin Jaff


    If you are a chai latte drinker, then this is the place you wanna be.

  • Rahaf Halabi

    Rahaf Halabi


    One of the most popular coffee houses in Jordan ,, they have tea coffee cold and hot ,they also have delicious cookies croissants muffins and different kind of cakes energy snacks sandwiches friendly staff they also have a peak time that studying is not allowed " not always a quiet place reasonable prices welcoming staff

  • en

    sozi lati


    The best coffee in amman, nice quiet place, good for group gathering, friends. Nice stafg clean and organized. Love the place .




    I just cant get enough of their Chai Latte. The best I've had so far.

  • Lour Rabieh

    Lour Rabieh


    Not too busy and its good for studing but smoking allowed and it gets too stuffy with smoke, it opens really early and close at midnight so its great and they don't take breaks like other coffe beans and you have to leave for an hour no you can stay as long as you can and there is near by supermarket and a burger place

Café la plus proche

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