TCHE TCHE - Mecca St. 2 de Amman

JordanieTCHE TCHE - Mecca St. 2



🕗 horaire

15, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 554 4801
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9735278, Longitude: 35.869196

commentaires 5

  • en

    Samir Mansour


    Service @ tche tche airport road branch was not up to tche tche service level in any other branches,

  • Huda Sammour

    Huda Sammour


    The location is ok, but they make you use their valet parking which is more expensive than other valets in Amman. The hall is very large open space, which makes it not romantic nor intimate. Good for friends gatherings not a date. The food is good with so many varieties. They also have hookah with various flavors.

  • en

    Majed Bassam


    Good service and delicious food and shisha. Prices are above average but still affordable.

  • Majed Shaheen

    Majed Shaheen


    Great place for having some drinks and shisha. Out doors are available both winter and summer. Service is fast and the crew is very friendly. Prices are affordable.

  • Elena Boldireva

    Elena Boldireva


    Самый лучший филиал кафе,декор!

Café la plus proche

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