Tall Dayr `Alla de محافظة البلقاء

JordanieTall Dayr `Alla


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Tall Dayr `Alla، ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.1966667, Longitude: 35.6211111

commentaires 2

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Tell Deir 'Alla is the archaeological mound where the renowned Balaam Inscription was found. It covers the periods from the Middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age II. The archaeological excavations started in 1960 and lasted many decades. A great deal of the mound was uncovered in the process. Today however, the place is much overgrown and difficult to make sense of. There are no information signs or restrooms. It is pleasant enough to bring children to play on top in early spring when it's still cool and fresh and full of springtime flowers. From late spring to autumn, the place is barren and the heat and humidity extreme. That said, it is an accessible place to admire the width of the Jordan Valley from it in itself. One should be mindful not to disturb anything, to keep out of the excavated areas and not to litter the place. Therefore, one's garbage should be collected and brought home.

  • Adoosh Madahna

    Adoosh Madahna


Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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