صيدلية صوفيا de Az-Zarqa

Jordanieصيدلية صوفيا



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Zarqa Governorate Zarqa JO 13136، Az-Zarqa, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 8880 7233
site web: pharmacy-3501.business.site
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.1192089, Longitude: 36.2889849

commentaires 1

  • Sophia Saleh

    Sophia Saleh


    I will be so honest with you, you won't find better than this pharmacy to go to (It's pharmacy no1), and if you'll get the chance to come here you'll have the best experience ever, you'll get the chance to ask and know anything that you wonder about health problems and medications. You'll meet the best doctor ever whose name is Dr. Jamil Najeh Saleh, and he'll give you the right midecine that will help you with your health problem, he has an enormous amount of knowledge that defiantly will help you..😊

Pharmacie la plus proche

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